Saturday 27 December 2014

Last night in Carmen de Apicala was fantastic, we ate arepas' con pollo, carne y queso, beber mucho aguila light.  Today, nursing a dolor de cabeza drove to Popayan, Colombia.  Through, sugar cane haciendas, coffee and banana plantations, the drive was amazing and after diez horas arrived in the "white city".  Tomorrow morning I'll tour the city and enclose a few pics.

Back to last night, went to mi buenos amigo Don Luchos' tienda, his lovely wife Arlenes attended the impromptu get together along with mi esposa Lulu, our neighbour and amiga santiaga dropped in and a host of local also contributed to the pre new years party.  Hey, who brought the aguadiente?  A local firewater that no doubt contributed to my headache.

Anyway, up at 5am, red bleary eyes watery and within an hour or two started the trek to Ecuador in earnest.  The country is amazingly beautiful, green mountains with Palm, Teak and Banana trees, colourful flowers with blue sky and great sunshine. Saw quite a few large tractor trailer units with four attached 20 ft trailers carrying sugar cane.  How they negotiate the winding portions of the road is a mystery to me.

Tonight, staying a hotel, two double beds, nice clean room - total cost is 60,000 Colombian pesos, sounds like a fortune...  actual cost is 30.00 Can.  One bed room is only 15.00 can.

I'm attaching a short video, look closely at the rear of the truck ahead of the car.  Colombians are a little crazy on the road - a small example.  The exhaust from the truck affects the clarity, the kids were coated after about a 7 km ride

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