Tuesday 23 December 2014

Travel day -1

Hi guys, this is my first post to my new blog.

It's day -1 meaning the journey commences southward tomorrow from Bogota, Colombia.  Travelling via carro, in this case a Chevrolet Spark, 3 cylinder, 1000cc tiny hatchback.  We're equipped with spartan camping supplies, tent and stove and intend on staying in it whenever possible.  Otherwise, the cheapest hotels that are wifi friendly.

My travel companion for the journey is Lulu Angarita, a Spanish speaking, native Colombiana who somewhat reluctantly has agreed to guide me through Colombia to Ecuador then Peru and only the wind knows next.  Reluctantly because she is only to knowledgeable about my ability to worsen almost any situation when travelling...   For my part, having promised best behaviour and counting to 10 prior to any comment, ANY comment.  

Day one is one of little travel but quite stressful, negotiating the streets of Bogota, a city of over 10 million people, is bad enough but since I've recently secured my Colombian drivers license, it's my responsibility.  AKA as my first stress test.

La casa de Angarita, Carmen de Apicala, Colombia

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