Tuesday 13 January 2015

Return to Ecuador... Dec 30 2014

We awoke this morning in Pasto...

Personally I felt uneasy about the way we left Ecuador, somewhat pissed about Colombian border personnel and downright angry having spent 160,000 pesos without having at least two cerveras in the mix.

So, I suggested to Lulu we attempt, once again, a re entry on the frontier.  Since the date was the 30th day in December and, knowing how absolutely nothing ever gets done in Colombia during the holidays we decided to take advantage of our limited vehicular pass, head to the Ecuador coast and enjoy the seaside.  We still had the problem about our USD's, and thought perhaps the bank at the border would assist us in exchanging our crisp 100.00 bills with a few soiled well used smaller denomination notes.

Off we went, venturing the curved roads (totally a motorcyclist dream but, well, that for another time..),  of Southern Colombia in the fastest Spark this side of the Equator.  In a few hours we entered the border zone,  noticed a line up at a gas station near the border all the while thinking "not for me, I'm heading to Ecuador where fuel is only 1.48 US per gallon, jajaja suckers"!

We stopped on the Colombian side first, receiving our exit stamps from a decidedly smug border agent, obviously in the knowledge I'd paid my entry fee only 1 day prior.   Hmmmmm.  Thank goodness for Taurine.  Crossing the border on foot we stopped at the state controlled bank, asking if they could exchange money.  Not really sure why there's a bank there...   Anyway, fortunately there is a surprisingly large commerce going on with money exchangers literally outnumbering border crossing traffic,  perhaps I exaggerate somewhat.  Nevertheless, after walking the entire gauntlet of men waving USD's for Colombian Pesos' we chose the least likely one to exchange real for counterfeit money.  He was a decent guy, charging us 2%, on the greenback.

Success!  Then to the border officials, this time speaking Ecuadorian (?).  Filling out the usual entry request forms, waiting in line, (si senora, soy turisto,  visitan trenta dias) and finally receiving the required stamp to our passports headed to Tulcan.  Seconds later stopped by the Military who were checking all Colombian plated vehicles for contraband.  Since I was driving, the guy with the gun wanted my paperwork...  Additional clarification for those uninitiated with the politics in South America.  Colombia, a longtime ally of the USA has a somewhat tenuous relationship with neighbouring Countries, in particular Cuba, Venezuela, Ecuador and I believe also Peru.  Our Spark, aka the speediest one on the continent, was adorned with Colombian issued plates, even worse Bogota to be specific.  To compound the problem, he was speaking Ecuadorian (?), to me!  Rapidly I flashed, in order, my Colombian D/L (he was suitable unimpressed), my Passport (why, oh why, is it the same colour as the US one is beyond my comprehension), (still unimpressed by the way), finally my dearest Lulu said "open the rear hatch".  Oh.  It should be duly noted, whilst i have a decent command of SPEAKING en espanol, usually  haven't a clue what el gente are saying in return...

Off we went, driving the speed limit like NEVER before.  Have done my homework, well, some homework, and after reading the law could throw speeders in the local version of a turkish prison for 1km over, we crawled onward to Tulcan.  To me the traffic signs were a little confusing, first we'd see a sign denoting 90km then a hundred metres on another stating 70km.  Addition clarification required:  My darling Lulu, a University Professor among many other achievements is a believer in learning by ones own mistakes.  Either that or perhaps there's a hidden sadistic side of her, previously unbeknowst to me, lo no se.  All I know is the locally plated denzions were flying past the previously fastest Spark on the Planet with reckless abandon, brandishing hand signals and pointing with the middle finger that reminded me of a human who didn't use Taurine on a regular schedule.

Finally we reached Tulcan, parked in a parquierdo and headed out to explore our first stop.  This is a pretty cool Country, they rely on tourist traffic and the hard working people really try to make you feel at home.  While I'm an obvious blanco gringo, to a person received only pleasant smiles, courtesy and friendliness, I was sure ecuador was for me.  After a delicious lunch, we stopped at a bakery for some goodies and was blown away by the cost, it's very inexpensive here and that means i'm gonna become el gordo in short order.
 The Spark, previously known as the fastest flame in the universe outside our hotel,  si, claro.
 Downtown Tulcan, early morning.
Town centre, Tulcan,  6:00 am
We purchased a bottle of Ecuadors' finest Scotch Whiskey for 10.00 USD.  I am sad to say (being from  Scotland) it was damn good, as smooth as the heather...  Considering the last sentence, it's amazing to be up at six am and, finally heading to the la costa, la playa en mucho cervesa!

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